"Alone we are smart. Together we are brilliant." -Steven Anderson
I read this quote in the third chapter of The Innovator's Mindset. It was included in the section about the 8 Characteristics of the Innovator's Mindset. Networking has always been an important part of my teaching career. Up until the time of online classes, my network was the group of professionals who were going through the library media sequence at UVM. I happily leaned on and learned from this group for years.
The Innovator's Mindset has made me recognize the importance of PLNs. I am blogging and reading blogs. I am using Twitter more frequently. I have found an amazing network of professionals on Twitter who I learn from and who inspire me to be a better teacher. The simple acts of reading and writing have motivated me to learn more and share more.
In chapter 3 of The Innovator's Mindset, George Couros states, "Innovation flourishes when teachers collaborate to learn and practice new strategies. Isolation is often the enemy of innovation." My favorite coworkers are the ones who want to collaborate. I always learn something from them and I hope they learn something from me.
This year, I have collaborated with teachers inside my building using Google Classroom, Pixton and Storybird, to name a few. Outside of my building, I have used Padlet and Google Hangout to meet new teachers and students. Every time I collaborate with another person, I walk away feeling better about my learning and about my profession.